Day Services

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The Day Services Program assists Danville and Pittsylvania County citizens with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities to reach their fullest potential by providing supports to access available resources from their local and surrounding communities.  Day Services provides a supportive environment where individuals with developmental disabilities are treated with dignity and respect.  These individuals are active participants in the development of services identified in their Individualized Person-Centered Plan that offer choices reflecting their strengths and developing their functional skills in order to maximize their potential while making and strengthening community connections.

Individuals receive training and assistance with the following skills:

  • Development of sensory, gross and fine motor skills

  • Development of self, social, and environmental awareness skills

  • Skill building and supports as needed in communication and personal care

  • Skill building and supports as needed in the use of community resources and community safety

  • Positive peer interactions and social skills

  • Support to make and strengthen community connections

  • Development of problem solving skills

  • Support with personal care

  • Development of skills required for employment in the community setting

Community-Based Day Programs

Community Engagement/Community Coaching programs are directed by the individual and their person-centered plan that support and foster the ability of the individual to acquire, retain, or improve skills that are necessary to build positive social behavior, interpersonal competence, greater independence, employ-ability and personal choice.  These skills are necessary to access typical activities and functions of community life such as those chosen by the general population.  The activities may include community education, training, or volunteering.  Community Engagement provides a wide variety of opportunities to facilitate and build relationships with natural supports in the community, while utilizing the community as a learning environment.  Community-Based Day Programs activities might include going out to eat, attending social groups such as Senior Centers, local gyms and recycling, shopping, and swimming.  Individuals are able to make visits to the library, museums, or special out-of-town attractions.  There is a strong emphasis on volunteer opportunities for individuals.

Center-Based Day Programs

The Day Services center is equipped with a full kitchen for cooking activities, a gardening area for growing vegetables and learning about healthy nutrition, an arts and crafts area, an exercise room, a game room, and a computer lab.  Emphasis is placed on supporting individuals to improve or maintain skills related to daily life events associated with these activities.

To Make a Referral

To make a referral, to ask questions and/or to obtain additional information please click the ‘Make a Referral’ button below.