
This webpage is intended as a resource on procurement activities with Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services. It does not replace or supersede the terms and conditions set forth in any specific solicitation. Prospective bidders and offerors must read and follow the instructions, specifications, terms and conditions set forth in each individual solicitation.

It is the responsibility of the interested individual and/or business to regularly visit this site to check for new solicitations (and amendments/addendums to current solicitations) and to request and obtain copies of solicitations. If you are unable to download a particular solicitation from this site please contact us via the contact button below.

Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the interested individual and/or business to visit this site to check for notice of intent to award or notice of award for current solicitations as stated in the invitation to bid or request for proposal documentation.

Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services is a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia and is required to comply with the Virginia Public Procurement Act (VPPA).


Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services
Notice of Award Contract Under Emergency Procurement
HVAC Replacement- 366 Piney Forest Road

In accordance with Code of Virginia, 2.2-4303 Section F, Emergency Procurement, Danville-Pittsylvania Community Services is issuing notice of the award of a contract to Advanced Building Technologies, Inc. for the HVAC Replacement at 366 Piney Forest Road.  This facility is a 24-hour Crisis Center for individuals experiencing a mental health crisis and current HVAC conditions indicate an emergency procurement is needed.



None at this time.


invitation for bid

None at this time.


Any bidder or offeror may protest the award or decision to award a contract by submitting such protest in writing to the Director of Finance, no later than 10 days after the award or announcement of the decision to award, whichever occurs first. Said protest shall be handled as set forth in Section 2.2-4360 of the Virginia Public Procurement Act.


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